The ROLLERLIFE on the World Environment Day
24.06.2015. 13:00
The Environment Protection Agency of Satu Mare has organised a final evaluation of the jubilee publication of the international environment education programme titled „Life for the environment, life for the people” on the World Environment Day (2015.06.05.). The event took place in the Hám János Roman Catholic Theological Liceum, with the main theme of „7 billion dreams on one planet – let us consume more moderately”.
Opening ceremony on the World Environment Day in the Hám János Roman Catholic Theological Liceum (Photo: APM).
As biological diversity played a significant role in the 10 years long educational programme, the Conservation of the European Roller in the Carpathian Basin (LIFE13 NAT/HU/000081) project was an important point on the agenda.
Thirthy six educational institute of Satu Mare County took part in the programme, actively contributing to surveys measuring the social and economical impacts of the roller conservation project. Sixty five questionnaires were filled in by teachers, parents and pupils representing people from both urban and rural areas.
Júlia Dezső, sociologist introduced us to the survey methods. (Photo: APM).
Júlia Dezső, sociologist presented the preliminary results of the evaluation of the ROLLER LIFE13 NAT/HU/000081 project questionnaires filled in by people relating to the 36 education institutes of Satu Mare county.
The presentation and discussion of the preliminary survey results (Photo: APM).
The preliminary results are the following:
- almost 50% of those questioned had basic information regarding the project (partners, project area, main goals), and the information were mainly gathered from the press.
- 30 % of those questioned gave correct answers to the questions regarding the roller (habitat, diet, nesting, protection) and the NATURA 2000 network.
The presentation was followed by an open discussion among the project team, the sociologist and the audience. The latter expressed interest in the events organised in the framework of the roller conservation programme.
Environment Protection Agency of Satu Mare (APM)